IQAC of Chaiduar College was formed in the year 2002 to spearhead the assessment requirement of the NAAC. Chaiduar College was accreditated by the NAAC for the first time in 2005 and was awarded a C++ grade. IQAC of the college played a major role in completing the self study report submitted to the NAAC. After the first assessment the IQAC was restructured and a new comitee was formed as per guidelines of the NAAC. Two external members other than the regular seven members were included to ensure quality improvement measures undertaken by the College. Regular feedback from the students, gurdians and peer group were taken into considaration while formulating the future quality improvement initiatives of the college. The college was reaccreditaed in 2010 and was awarded a B grade with 2.68 grade points. in 2011 the IQAC was further strenghtened by inclusion of a student representative. Presently IQAC of the college was suggesting Crucial quality quqlity improvement programs to the management of the college besides preparing for the re-accrediatiation day NAAC in 2015.